A federal lawsuit filed by a victim of excessive force ended in a record settlement this week. According to OregonLive.com, the lawsuit filed by William Kyle Monroe, who is still recovering from his injuries nearly two years later, still needs to be approved by the City Council but will end up being $2.3 million—the largest in Portland’s history. [Read more…]
Feds Seize Patients’ Medical Marijuana Records
Your medical records are not likely something you share, even with those closest to you. What’s included in those records is your business and yours alone. But the state of Oregon was recently compelled to hand over an “untold number” of medical records to federal agents, according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, all in an effort to continue the federal government’s war on marijuana. [Read more…]
Feds Say Portland Cops’ Taser Use/Policy is Vague and Reckless
The Oregonian is reporting Portland Police Chief Mike Reese knew long before the federal investigation that his policy was too permissive and was a tragedy (or several) waiting to happen, but that he failed to act. Now, the Department of Justice is forcing his hand to rewrite policy and tighten the reins on Taser use that far outpaces use in similar cities.
Consultants Critical of Portland Police Shootings
Outside consultants brought in by the city have determined the Portland Police Department has many shortcomings when it applies to police shootings. Among other things, they determined police exhibit “excessive delays” in getting medical help to shooting victims. Their complete findings and recommendations are expected to be presented to the city council this week. [Read more…]
Oregon Study Examines Officer Memory, Finds Gaps Under High-Stress Conditions
A study by the Force Science Institute, involving officers from 22 agencies in both Oregon and Washington sought to examine how officers react under stressful conditions and how they remember a scene after the fact. The findings are notable and show that officer “mistakes” are often not deliberate or due to inattention, but caused in part by how fast a scenario happens and the adrenaline involved. [Read more…]
Portland Man Injured and Tased By Police, Wins Lawsuit
A Portland man was walking home from dinner with friends one night when he saw a flashlight shined in his direction and the words, “Get Him!” shouted. Blinded by the light and unsure of who was behind it, he ran. As the footsteps caught up to him, he was tased, forced into the ground and restrained. [Read more…]
Department of Justice to Investigate Portland Police
This week U.S. Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez announced the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division would be opening a broader inquiry into the Portland Police Department. The investigation is to determine whether or not there is a pattern of civil rights abuses within the city by the local police. The announcement comes after the urging by many high powered local officials. [Read more…]
Portland’s Boom In Police Use of Deadly Force
Last year there were six police shootings—four of them resulted in civilian deaths. So far in 2011, there have been two police shootings. In the final weeks of 2010 and the first days in January, there was a record set for the most officer involved shootings in a short amount of time (5 in 40 days). Not a record to be proud of, for sure. [Read more…]
Findings Released in Portland Police Taser Use Audit
Portland City Auditor LaVonne Griffin-Valade ordered a review of the city police’s taser use and the finding suggest officers should practice more restraint. According to OregonLive.com, policy should be changed to reflect such restraint and the necessity of officers to use a minimum number of cycles when the tasers are employed. [Read more…]