Veterans post unique problems for the criminal justice system. They have unique needs, the type that could be best served by specialty courts — like mental health courts, or drug courts — but, there are few veterans’ courts in the state and many think this needs to change. [Read more…]
Bad Cops Often Face No Punishment
Some of Portland’s finest have lost their jobs or faced suspension after breaking laws, policies, or acting questionably. But regardless of the reasons for their firings, many of them are able to get these punishments reversed through arbitration, reducing public confidence in the department’s ethics and making it difficult for police commanders to dole out effective discipline. [Read more…]
Lane County Frees Prisoners Due to Lack of Money
Lane County, home to the University of Oregon and almost as big as Connecticut is facing the same problems as many other smaller counties. That problem is a lack of money. And in Lane County it has translated into setting jail inmates free. [Read more…]
Consultants Critical of Portland Police Shootings
Outside consultants brought in by the city have determined the Portland Police Department has many shortcomings when it applies to police shootings. Among other things, they determined police exhibit “excessive delays” in getting medical help to shooting victims. Their complete findings and recommendations are expected to be presented to the city council this week. [Read more…]
Oregon Study Examines Officer Memory, Finds Gaps Under High-Stress Conditions
A study by the Force Science Institute, involving officers from 22 agencies in both Oregon and Washington sought to examine how officers react under stressful conditions and how they remember a scene after the fact. The findings are notable and show that officer “mistakes” are often not deliberate or due to inattention, but caused in part by how fast a scenario happens and the adrenaline involved. [Read more…]
Oregon Seeks Legislation to Increase Reach of Ignition Interlock Devices
If you have multiple convictions for DUII, you will be required to have one. Under a law passed in 2011, if you are a first-time offender placed on diversion for DUI, you will also be required to have one. But, Oregon lawmakers are now looking at ways to ensure all DUI offenders are required to have ignition interlock devices installed on their vehicles, especially those who try to bypass the requirement. [Read more…]
Gadget Thefts on Rise in Portland
What happens when the latest iPhone is released? People clamor to get it. And some of those clamoring aren’t waiting outside of the Apple store, they are waiting for you to act nonchalant with your new purchase – if even for a second – so they can take it for themselves. [Read more…]
Portland Man Injured and Tased By Police, Wins Lawsuit
A Portland man was walking home from dinner with friends one night when he saw a flashlight shined in his direction and the words, “Get Him!” shouted. Blinded by the light and unsure of who was behind it, he ran. As the footsteps caught up to him, he was tased, forced into the ground and restrained. [Read more…]
Tougher DUII Laws Pass Oregon Legislature
The Oregon legislature has passed a bill that will toughen the state’s drunk driving (DUII) laws, requiring a breathalyzer (ignition interlock) device to be installed in the vehicle of every convicted DUII offender. [Read more…]
Department of Justice to Investigate Portland Police
This week U.S. Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez announced the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division would be opening a broader inquiry into the Portland Police Department. The investigation is to determine whether or not there is a pattern of civil rights abuses within the city by the local police. The announcement comes after the urging by many high powered local officials. [Read more…]