Veterans post unique problems for the criminal justice system. They have unique needs, the type that could be best served by specialty courts — like mental health courts, or drug courts — but, there are few veterans’ courts in the state and many think this needs to change. [Read more…]
Gadget Thefts on Rise in Portland
What happens when the latest iPhone is released? People clamor to get it. And some of those clamoring aren’t waiting outside of the Apple store, they are waiting for you to act nonchalant with your new purchase – if even for a second – so they can take it for themselves. [Read more…]
Oregon Crime Decreasing, Fear of Crime Rising
An article in this week’s Oregonian takes a hard look at the fear of crime versus the reality of crime and begs an important question—how can people statewide fear crime more than ever despite actual crime numbers falling? [Read more…]
Oregon’s Anti-Crime Surveillance Cameras
According to a report in The Oregonian this past week, TriMet, the state’s largest transit agency will be using $1.9 million in federal dollars to increase the number of cameras in their light-rail stations. According to the report, nearly every step people take now at 74 out of 84 platforms will be seen by these eyes in the sky. [Read more…]